
Rich in Fibre & Nutrients
All unpolished whether red, brown or black, is ideal for weight loss, because the fibre and nutrients satiate one, much more than white rice would. You’d only need to eat about half or less than half the quantity. Therefore you get more nutrients and fewer calories.
Rich in Anti-oxidants
Unlike white rice, in brown rice, only the hull of the rice kernel is removed, keeping the layer of bran, which has nutrients like calcium, potassium, zinc, important fatty acids and essential vitamins, intact. Rice varieties like kullakar, kaatuyanam, poongar, karunkuruvai, thavala kannan matta are a good source of iron, zinc and vitamin B6. Black rice has the highest levels of anthocyanins, a type of antioxidant that protects cells, tissues and vital organs. In fact, black rice has a higher level of anthocyanin than blueberries.
Wide Choice of Meals
A cup of rice or whole grains, can be transformed into a series of appetising food — starting from a simple kanji, to Pongal, Kichdi & More. Clearly, portions matter when eating rice; ideally, doctors suggest that rice should take up just one-fourth of your meal. So, serve yourself a heap of heritage rice, surrounded by curries, vegetables, lentils, beans.


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